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Montezuma Moscato

Juicy, fruity, and floral with aromas of tangerine, ginger, melon, and lilac.


Montezuma Pear Perfection

Fruity, crisp, and sweet with aromas of fresh pear.



Montezuma Pintail

Crisp, bubbly, and savory with aromas of tropical fruit, and crisp acidity.


Montezuma Sandhill Red

Jammy, juicy, and soft with aromas of cherry, raspberry, and vanilla.


Montezuma Sparkling Blueberry Honey Wine

Bubbly, fruity, and earthy with aromas of blueberry, cardamom, and cinnamon.


Montezuma Sparkling Catawba Cuvée

Bubbly, fruity, and floral with aromas of fresh strawberry, rose, and watermelon.
Dry |--▼----------|-------------| Sweet


Montezuma Sparkling Cider (Bottle Conditioned)

Bubbly, floral, and crisp with aromas of baked apples and Brioche lemon.


Montezuma Sparkling Traminette Cuvée

Bubbly, crisp, and floral with aromas of lime oil, lemongrass, and coconut.


Montezuma Sweet Mead

Fruity, floral, and crisp with aromas of honey and Niagara grapes.


Montezuma Winery 2023 Chardonnay

Fruity, floral, and creamy with aromas of peaches, pineapples, and hazelnut.


Paint & Sip with Belva

Paint & Sip with Belva @ Montezuma Winery Cooperstown

Join us for a Paint & Sip event with Belva in our tasting room on March 7th!


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Paint & Sip with Nikki

Paint & Sip with Nikki @ Montezuma Winery Finger Lakes

Invite your friends for a fun evening painting a cattail bouquet work of art led by Nikki Biel.


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